Sasha Pevzner

School of Mathematics, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities.


Office: Vincent Hall 526

Email: pevzn002 at umn dot edu

About me

Hi! I’m a 5th year PhD student at UMN working with Vic Reiner. Broadly I enjoy working in the field of commutative algebra, and I often use free resolutions to study modules with natural symmetries.

Below are some more specific topics that I like (not an exhaustive list!)

  • invariant theory of finite groups
  • minimal free resolutions, finite and infinite
  • representation stability and FI modules
  • working over characteristic 0, p, and maybe not a field!
  • algebraic geometry (learning it bit-by-bit)


  1. Symmetric group fixed quotients of polynomial rings
    Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, Volume 228, Issue 4 (2024)

  2. Equivariant resolutions over Veronese rings
    with Ayah Almousa, Michael Perlman, Victor Reiner, and Keller VandeBogert
    Journal of the London Mathematical Society (2024)

  3. Alexander duals of symmetric simplicial complexes and Stanley–Reisner ideals (submitted)
    with Ayah Almousa, Kaitlin Bruegge, Martina Juhnke-Kubitzke, and Uwe Nagel